Know more about Sorin Company
Know more about Sorin Company
The Sorin Concrete manufacture Company, a producer of all kinds of precast concrete such as GFRC and concrete products, has started its production in recent years with the support of almost two decade of research activities on concrete and additives related to it.
This company has a remarkable research background, such as registering several patents in the field of precast concrete parts and transparent concrete, as well as publishing several research articles in domestic and international indexes.
Get to know the members of Sorin company

Seyed Farshid MontazeriCo-founder and CEO

Hamed AnahidCo-founder and CEO

Mahdi AnahidCo-founder and CEO

Seyed Ahmad MontazeriCo-Founder

اسماعیل آناهیدهیئت موسس

Afzal DaniFactory Manager

Ali ZebarjadiProduction and quality control manager

Shaghayegh Jaber-AnsariDesigner and architect

Seyed Mohammad Montazeritechnical officer

مهندس طاهریمدیر سایت

پریسا سقائیان طراح و گرافیست
Some of the awards, positions and certificates received by Sorin concrete innovator

جایزه تولید محصول دانش بنیانمرکز رشد دانشگاه آزاد

مسابقات بتن ACIرتبه دوم

گواهی ثبت اختراعقوه قضاییه - اداره مالکیت فکری

جشنواره پژوهشمقام برتر

مسابقات بتن ACIرتبه سوم
